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research expenditure中文是什么意思

用"research expenditure"造句"research expenditure"怎么读"research expenditure" in a sentence


  • 研究费用
  • 研究费支出


  • According to nsf , cu ranks 12th among the top 100 public universities and colleges in overall research expenditures
    根据国家科学基金会( nsf )的统计,科罗拉多大学在全美前100所公立大学中科研经费使用居于第12位。
  • Article 8 the research expenditures for its internal research and development projects of an enterprise shall be recorded into the profit or loss for the current period
  • Heliborne battlefield surveillance radar ( bsr ) is used widely for its flexible usage without escort , regardless of landforms and low research expenditure
  • In fy 2005 , cu garnered $ 630 . 3 million in sponsored research awards ; in fy 2003 , nsf ranked cu sixth among all public universities in the u . s . in federal research expenditures
    2005年,科罗拉多大学储备了6 . 3亿美金作为科研奖励基金。 2003年,国家科学基金会统计中,科罗拉多大学的联邦科研基金使用位于全美公立大学中第六名。
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